Current Websites Revision Status (Updated Monthly)

01 oct 24 / greg goebel

* This document gives the current status of document revisions on the Vectors and AirVectors websites, as well as revisions of ebooks.

Please be aware that even minor changes require a complete proofreading and inspection of a document, and assignment of a new revcode. OK, I will change minor but really embarrassing typos without going through all that rigamarole, but only when it's absolutely urgent. Making minor changes in a document without performing proper quality assurance will eventually wreck it, a phenomenon software engineers call "bit rot". On the other hand, if proper quality assurance is performed, over time the quality of the document improves. In addition, when a document is updated, it is usually inspected to see if any improvements or additions are possible.

A three-digit revcode is used for documents. A major overhaul gets a revcode with the high digit incremented, for example "v4.0.0"; a substantial set of changes gets a revcode with the middle digit incremented, for example "v4.1.0"; a minor change gets a revcode with the low digit incremented, for example "v4.1.1". Note the "+/-" extensions on the revcodes; they simply specify whether the document is up to the current ebook-like style, or the old style. Ebooks, being more stable, get a two-digit revcode.

The list below gives current documents with their last revision dates, organized by month backwards from the present. Each set of monthly entries is divided into a list for the Vectors website (top), the AirVectors website (middle), and ebooks (bottom).

The plan is to have a two-year revision cycle on this site. Documents on the bottom of the list have highest priority for review, while those at the top of the list have the lowest. However, a document's priority may be raised above its normal level if the defects are severe or important new information has emerged. Of course, the severity of a bug is something of a subjective judgement. In any case, current document revisions include: